Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Workplace Etiquette to Gift Giving

Q:  I’ve been in my job less than a year.  And with the holidays approaching I’m thinking about giving my boss and some of my co-workers holiday gifts. What’s the office etiquette for gift-giving?

A:  Let’s start with the boss.  The generally accepted etiquette is that it’s okay for supervisors and bosses to give their employees gifts to show appreciation.  However, the reverse is not true.   Employees are not expected to give gifts to those up the ladder.  So generally speaking, workplace gift-giving should flow down, not up.

Why? For starters, there’s the risk that giving the boss a gift makes you look like a brownnoser, or someone seeking to gain favor.  This potentially puts you in a poor light with both the supervisor and your peers.  Additionally, if you give your boss an expensive gift, you risk making them feel awkward or embarrassed.  Also, some employees may resent the expectation of giving a gift to someone who presumably makes much more, so if you’re thinking about soliciting money from co-workers to buy the boss a group gift, don’t.

Now, for co-worker etiquette.  Avoid giving gifts to only “some of my co-workers”.  If you decide to give, give something small to everyone or don’t give. The last thing you want during this happy season is to make others feel left out.  This is why many workplaces choose to do “Secret Santa”, where you’re randomly assigned one person to give, or gift exchanges, where everyone brings one gift to share.  Caution:  workplaces should keep participation in these activities completely voluntary.

If you have a special relationship or friendship with a colleague and want to exchange gifts, of course you can still do so, but have the exchange outside of work.

And finally, here are some office-etiquette-approved gift ideas under $10.

  • A consumable product like fancy candy, fruit, chocolates, or festive nuts
  • A gift card to a coffee shop (try local), bookstore,  or online music seller
  • A small plant or desk accessory

Add a personalized handwritten greeting card to any of these and you’ll be appreciated for your thoughtfulness.  After all, gift-giving is not about the thing, it’s about the thought.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

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