Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Why Would You Apply for a Job that Pays Far Less?

Q:  I’m presently 59 years old with a successful career.  My current salary is in the mid-90s with an occasional bonus.  Next year, for a number of reasons, I have set my sights on a job in the same field but with a much lighter level of responsibility.  The thing is they only pay about a third of what I make now and I don’t want them to disregard my application because of the salary difference.  And, of course, there’s my age.  Any advice?

A:  The best way to address why you would be interested in a position that pays a lot less than what you’re making now is to explain it on a cover letter.  You can say your current job has a very demanding schedule and that you’re down-shifting your career and want to have more work/life balance.

This is not something unique to your age group.  Applicants of all ages use this rationale when applying for lesser-paying jobs.  For instance, young parents with children may decide that it’s preferable to forgo a big salary in exchange for a predictable schedule and no overnight travel.   Some workers in mid-career may need to make this choice because another family member relies on them for errands or transportation.

So this need for less responsibility is not age-specific, and you shouldn’t feel self-conscious about it.   In fact, your age might be an advantage in that it’s more convincing when you explain that you’re no longer climbing the career ladder and that you now value a stable schedule and low stress, more than a high salary.

Besides, they’re not going to know your exact age because date of birth is usually asked after an offer is made, not during the application process.  Don’t mention age on the cover letter.  Instead, be general and say “at this time in my career”, or “as a seasoned professional”.   Also, your resume doesn’t have to give away your age if you don’t include high school or college graduation dates.

So, do apply for that coveted job.  You might be pleasantly surprised.  Many employers are seeing the advantage of having older workers bringing valuable experience into their business.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

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