Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Gay Marriage, Pot Legalization and Minimum Wage: A Look Back at 2014

There were many changes in the workplace during 2014. Among them, the continued shift in demographics with more Millenials joining the workplace, the proliferation of unpredictable work schedules (resulting in proposed worker-protection legislation,) and improved technology making telecommuting more common.

But there were three changes that stood out for me, not because they were unexpected –I thought they’d eventually happen– but because of how quickly they took place. They all share a social-cultural-change component. And like many other societal changes, the workplace is where it all first plays out. They are:

1)      the wide recognition of gay marriage,

2)      the legalization of marijuana in several states, and

3)      the acceptance that federal minimum wage is too low

How has the legal recognition of gay marriage affected the workplace? Well, mostly in the area of benefits. Same-sex couples can now cover a spouse and his/her children on their medical insurance, as well as assign a spouse as the beneficiary of their pension. Bringing a same-sex partner to a social work event such as the summer picnic or holiday party –once a delicate proposition- has become widely accepted.

Then, there’s the expanding legalization of marijuana. For drug free workplace programs in states where pot is now legal, drug testing rules had to be re-vamped . For other states, there’s a re-evaluation of whether marijuana traces found in drug screens (which indicates previous use) should be a reason to deny employment. Or whether –like alcohol- the focus should be not on use, but on abuse and impairment.

Lastly, the federal minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 for five years, even though life is much more expensive now than in 2009. You know things are bad when a state like Florida (not a bastion of liberalism) has raised their own minimum wage to $8.05. You know things are woefully inadequate when red-blooded capitalist retailers, supermarkets and fast food establishments such as Costo, Trader Joe’s , IKEA, the Gap, Whole Foods, Ben and Jerry’s, and In ‘n’ Out, have publicly committed to pay workers more than $10 an hour.

Whether you think these changes are a benefit to society and the workplace, or whether you think everything is going to pot (pun intended), we can all agree that the change has already happened.

“The only constant in life is change”. -Heraclitus

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