Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

We Don’t Get to Choose our References


Q:  I recently started a new job. Even though I contacted my references to give them a “heads up” that someone from the new company would be calling, no one did. Is this common? Are employers just going through the motions when they ask for references during the interview?

A:  It depends. Skipping references is probably more common in smaller businesses than in larger ones because smaller businesses tend to have a more casual hiring process or no process (a fact I frequently lament). Larger companies tend to be more structured about hiring.

Regardless of size, it is entirely possible, however, that they did check references, just not the individuals you listed. Applicants sometimes aren’t aware that when they complete an application and sign below the small print, they’re customarily giving the prospective employer permission to check the validity of the facts on their application. Employers are respectful and won’t contact your current employer/supervisor if you indicated not to, however, other individuals in your job history (even if you don’t list them as a reference) are fair game.

Which brings me to a soapbox moment: I must now lecture those employees who say they don’t care if they leave a job without notice (or after burning a bridge) because they’re never going to use that boss as a reference.

Well, here’s the reality. You may not list them as a reference, but if you give that job or company as part of your job history, a recruiter can easily locate whoever you reported to (LinkedIn is so handy!). Therefore, always be civil, professional and follow the rules when leaving a job, even if you’re (figuratively) clenching your teeth.

Lastly, some advice for employers: Always check references. Don’t just verify employment. Talk to someone about the person you are going to hire. You might think “Well, whoever I call it’s just going to say glowing things, that’s why they’re on the list”, but think again. You’d be surprised at how candid some references can be if you ask the right questions, and couch them the right way. What are the right questions to ask reference? Answers coming soon.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

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