Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Why Does it Take So Long to Get a Job Offer?

Q: For the past four months, I’ve been in the middle of a long and drawn-out application process with a really good company.

First, I took an online assessment test, then had a telephone-screen call, then a couple of in-person interviews. Next I’m going for another interview; this time I’ll be doing a problem-solving exercise working in a group. I really want to work for this company, but I’m getting frustrated. Just when I think I’ve made the cut, there seems to be one more hoop to jump through. Why is this taking so long?

Q:  There’s no hard and fast rule about how long hiring processes take. It all depends. Here are some reasons why it may take longer than expected.

  • Sometimes it has to do with the economy. When there’s an abundance of applicants over jobs available, employers can be choosier. According to job seekers looking for work in 2015 will have to wait longer to get that job offer since “many employers are adding additional steps to their hiring process, including multiple interview rounds in which candidates meet with multiple decision-makers”.
  • Sometimes it has to do with bureaucracy and red tape in the organization, like in government. I knew someone who waited about two years to finally get a job with the US State Department, and more than once during that period she assumed she’d been eliminated.
  • Sometimes it has to do with the complexity of the job. If we want a job as an airline pilot or an astronaut we know it’s going to take a while. You’re probably not applying for either, but you get the gist.
  • Lastly, sometimes it depends on the actual pool of candidates. This is what I suspect might be going on in your case.       It’s possible that they received a large number of qualified applicants and are adding more hoops in order to narrow the candidate field.   I know, “No pressure”.

Whatever the reason for their protracted hiring process, four to six months is not too long if the company and the job are really worth the wait. So take a deep breath. Sit tight. And whatever you do, don’t let them see your frustration.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

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