Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Can A “Power Pose” Boost Your Confidence? Body Language 3 of 3

This is the third of a three-part series on how to project you best body language during interviews. See part one and two here. Previously, we talked about why a firm handshake and good eye contact are key to making a good first impression.  Today, let’s talk about posture.

By now, millions of people on the planet with an internet connection have seen Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on body language, the second most-watched TED talk ever. In it, she  walks us through the research which found that striking a “power posture” (head held high, fists on waist, legs wide, broad chest) for only two minutes can actually change your hormones and body chemistry, making you feel more confident and perform better.  So I would start there.

Watch it if you haven’t, and then before any interview (or whenever you need a boost of confidence).  Follow her advice and take a few minutes to strike some power poses, preferably in the privacy of your own home.  I wouldn’t wait until right before the interview and try to do power poses in a prospective employer’s restroom and risk being seen.  Can you say awkward? Yikes.

So, leave home feeling confident. As you wait to be interviewed, mind your posture while in the lobby. Listen to your Mom, and sit up straight.  Slouching projects poor confidence, poor self-esteem, and low energy levels. Avoid checking your phone now, which often means lowering your head and curling yourself over the phone.

Once you are greeted and stand up to meet your interviewer (with an awesome handshake and friendly eye contact), keep your back and shoulders straight.  When it’s time to sit down for the interview, don’t lean back: this is no time to relax.  Instead, sit slightly toward the front of the seat.  It’s easier to keep your good posture from this position.

I know this is a lot of information, but you can internalize it. If, before and after the interview, you picture yourself with the confidence symbolized by Superman and Wonderwoman, I guarantee that a firm handshake, good eye contact and posture will come naturally.

Laugh if you want, but the science backs it up.

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