Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

When Your Best Candidate Has Pink Hair

Q:  We recently interviewed for a customer service position in our office, which is in a health/wellness/medical setting.  The candidate that stood out from others for best qualifications experience and personality for the job was also the candidate who came to the interview with pink hair –which neither she nor we mentioned/acknowledged.  In spite of the hair, we would still like to offer her the position but with the caveat that she change the pink color to a “naturally occurring” color.  Can we make that a condition? 

A:  Sure, you can!  Unless she is a member of a recognized religion that requires adherents to wear pink hair, you’re not required to accommodate that hair color.  And, just like a job offer can be contingent on good references, or passing a drug test, you can certainly offer her the job with that condition.

But, I wouldn’t start with the job offer.  What I’d do instead is invite her for a second interview where you can discuss your company culture, your customer service philosophy and then bring it around to the question of her hair color and how it may be an obstacle to a job offer.  Then, see what she has to say.

The benefit of the second interview is twofold.  You confirm that this is indeed your top candidate, and you get to see how she handles a slightly sticky situation.

Then you may also learn whether:

  1. it’s no big deal to her to change her hair color; or
  2. that pink hair is a strong personal preference, a way of expression, however she’s willing to give it up for the job;  or
  3. no way, no sir, thanks-but-no-thanks, she’s not changing her hair for a job.

This way when you make your job offer (assuming 1 or 2 above), you’ll have it all talked through and will know what answer to expect.

Who knows, after she’s been with you for 6 months and everyone knows her and loves her, she might be able to dye her hair pink again and –although everyone will notice– no one will care.

Readers, what do you think?  Would you hire someone with pink hair?  Chime in on Facebook.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

 Eva Del Rio is a human resources consultant, columnist and creator of HR Box™ – tools for small businesses and startups. Send questions to

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