Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Email Curfew – Your Chance to Disconnect and Recharge

Email CurfewQ:  Last week you discussed how most companies now expect employees to use their personal cellphones for work.  I know it’s supposed to be more convenient for employees, and to also increase productivity making it a win-win for everyone.  But, as an employee, I have a different take.  I think the increased productivity comes from us being connected to the job 24/7 and being expected to respond to email at all hours and on weekends, which is stressful and not a win-win.  Is there a good way to bring this up with management?

A:  Well, I wouldn’t start off by saying they’re increasing productivity on the backs of employee’s personal time.  That wouldn’t go over well.  But you do bring up a valid point and you’re not alone thinking that.  Over the last few years, the intrusion of work into home life has been slow and steady, and we have accepted it as a fact of working-life in this global economy, where everyone has a mobile.  But, it’s undeniably zapping our ability to disconnect from work and reconnect with our families.  I would add that managers are not immune.  They’re also adversely affected by this practice -and perhaps more so.  Who knows, you may have a receptive audience when you bring up the topic.

Here’s a two-word suggestion for you to propose to your manager:   Email Curfew.  Some companies like  Vynamic,  have  started putting limits on “non-urgent” email between 10pm and 6am and all day on weekends.  Employees can still write emails during curfew if they want, but have to cue them up to send on Monday at 6:01.  They started the practice –paradoxically- to improve productivity, thinking that their employees would sleep better, get to recharge over the weekend, and become more productive.  According to their CEO it’s worked.  Another company did something similar but for different reasons.  They wanted to provide more work-life balance for their workers.  Their policy is called “727 Email Curfew” (catchy isn’t it?) and like the name implies it means “non-urgent” email must wait between 7pm to 7am and all day on weekends.

These examples may or may not be exactly feasible in your situation or industry, but at the very least, they can start the conversation.  And remember, keep that conversation positive and constructive.  Even if you have to fake it.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

Eva Del Rio is creator of HR Box™ – tools for small businesses and startups. Send questions to

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