Q: Like your reader last week, I too use the end of the year for goal setting. However, this year I’m dreading the process. That’s because even though I reach most of my goals, there are some I never seem to accomplish, so of course I continue to set them year after year. For example, I know I’m underemployed and should find a different job, but I’m comfortable where I am and never get around to doing anything about it. Any tips for reaching those goals that return year after year?
A: I think we all have some goals that seem to evade us. This year I’ll start working out. This year I’m going to start saving. Your example, “this year I’m going to look for another job”, is a common and elusive one, so let’s unpack it: For starters, it’s way too vague.
So let’s re-write it by applying Goal Setting 101 which says goals should be S-M-A-R-T. Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Timed. So your goal could look something like this:
“By October 2016 (timed), I’ll have a job offer (specific, attainable), with higher pay (measurable) and more chances of promotion (relevant)”.
Quite an improvement over “I’m going to look for another job” don’t you think?
But if you’re like me, that still seems too big. It’s hard to know where to start. So, let’s break it down further into 6 small actions, and do one each month.
- January: Create a LinkedIn profile.
- February: Join a networking group, attend faithfully.
- March: Identify 4 companies that hire for your type of job, “follow” them on LinkedIn.
- April: Practice and ace looking at job listings from your mobile.
- May: Apply for 4 jobs, continue browsing, networking.
- June: Rinse and repeat.
See what I did? Doing the smaller tasks not only makes the goal seem more attainable, but something else may happen along the way. This small-step process may uncover other truths: for instance, you may figure out you’re not looking for more money, but simply want a job you enjoy more. Then you just modify the original goal accordingly.
Try these tips and perhaps you’ll avoid seeing the same doomed goals year after year.