Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Why Do We Waste Time When We Know We Should Be Working?

Wasting Time

Q:   I manage a great team of about 10 people who can be very productive when we have an exciting project underway.  The problem is that when the work shifts to more mundane tasks, they become less productive and have no problem wasting time socializing or surfing the internet.  I don’t want to be a cop and watch what they do but things aren’t getting done.   Any suggestions?

A:  Wasting time at work has become easier than ever.

I read a survey  that found almost 90% of respondents said they waste time at work everyday, and  about 60% of those wasted an hour or more.  That’s a lot.

So why do we waste time when we know we should be working?   Why do otherwise conscientious employees goof-off when they know better?   Well, sometimes it’s boredom.  Other times our ability to focus just  wears out.  And other times there are too many distractions/temptations to do what’s fun instead of what’s hard or tedious.

 Once we understand what causes us (whether working as employees in a corporate office, or as entrepreneurs in a home office) to goof-off, we are in a better place to find solutions.

So what can be done?  Enlist the help of your great team:  They know that work can’t always be exiting projects.  So, ask for their ideas on how to make the non-exiting work more palatable.

Perhaps injecting mini breaks with a timer?  Desktop productivity tools like Pomodoro have you work 25 min and then take a 5 min break.

Perhaps adding some fun to the process? Books like “Fish” by  Stephen Lundin can inspire you to have fun even while working in an open-air fish market.

Because you’re the boss, you must set expectations of what needs to get done, for individuals and for the team.  But, by asking their input on how to make that happen you’re making them part of the solution.  Plus, there will also be more team accountability.

Whatever you do, you’re right in avoiding the “cop” rules-enforcer role.  Employees are adults and they don’t respond well to harsh restrictions on behavior.

Remember, carrots and incentives (like “go home a little early if you finish that report”) always work better than sticks.  Especially with already great teams.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

Eva Del Rio is creator of HR Box™ – tools for small businesses and startups. Send questions to

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