Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Unpacking the ‘Where do you see yourself if 5 years?’ question

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Q: I’m getting ready for a job interview and I have prepared what I think are pretty good answers to the commonly asked questions such as: “Tell me about yourself” and “What are your weaknesses”?

But while preparing for the “Where do you see yourself in five years?” question, I stopped to consider why employers/recruiters ask it, what are they looking for?

A:  In general, recruiters want to know that you have given some thought to your future career (aside from your current need for a job so you can pay the rent).

I can tell you what I look for specifically when I ask that question.

It’s not so much the answer itself, but how it’s articulated. This way I can gauge how carefully the applicant has considered the question. Sure you can answer “I want to be working in a leadership position with a company that values my contribution”. But that’s a cookie-cutter platitude requiring little forethought.

Instead I like to hear both a broad goal (with specifics that are relevant), and some authenticity. For example, “My interest is in research and after getting a few years of experience, I see myself leading a research team. I’m also open to relocation so I could see myself at one of your other locations.”

This strong answer would show me that your goals and aspirations are in line with what the company has to offer.

On the other hand if the answer is “My passion is food sustainability and my dream has always been to become a beekeeper”, it may be a problem. This may be authentic and specific but -unless you’re applying for a job at a honey production company- it’s irrelevant.

I encourage you to spend some time asking yourself this question so you have an general idea of your direction and preference (authenticity). Then, knowing things can change, add some commitment to that direction and throw in some details (specifics). Don’t forget to weave the company into your future (relevance).

By now you probably know that the actual answer is not important. The point of the question is to determine whether you gave the next potential five years of your life, the sufficient forethought it deserves.

©Copyright Eva Del Rio

Eva Del Rio is creator of HR Box™ – tools for small businesses and startups. Send questions to


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