Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

After the election: Dealing with political tension at work

After election tension

Q: I manage a large team of people with mixed political affiliations. Before the election, everyone tried to avoid talking about the race, but I could tell there was tension right under the surface.

Now that the election is over, I’m concerned about how they’ll handle the aftermath. What can I do as a manager to maintain the peace?

A: As I’ve often said here, the workplace is a microcosm of society, so it’s no surprise that employees with different points of view were tense before the election and will continue to be afterwards. This mirrors the rest of the country.

In many workplaces the tension has actually surfaced. According to a poll conducted last October by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 42% of employees have had a “political disagreement” at work.

Our current media –an unhealthy mix of for-profit journalism and entertainment–has contributed to our divisions by always couching hot button issues in the worst extremes. It’s good for ratings and clicks. It’s no wonder people talk past each other with easily recognized talking points.

So what can you do as a manager?

First, don’t take sides. Remain neutral or simply don’t voice your political views. You don’t want employees to think you are going to play favorites or treat them different if they disagree.

Second, establish a culture that seeks common ground that everyone can agree on. For instance:

  • Could we all agree that we are interdependent? – We need others to get stuff done. We need each other’s cooperation, trust, and good will. This alone acknowledges that each of us has value.
  • Could we all agree we should treat each other with respect and civility? This should be the foundation of any discussion that pops up.

Other examples could include:

  • Can we all agree we want to give great service to our customers?
  • Agree we want to win over our competitors?
  • Agree we want to take excellent care of our patients?

You get the idea. This is a workplace version of the saying: “There is more that unites us, than divides us” –except it applies specifically to your team. The message will need repetition. Revisiting these ideas with daily reminders will go a long way to “maintaining the peace”.


©Copyright Eva Del Rio. Send questions to

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