Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

HR Lessons for humans

I have some news! This is my penultimate column. 

That’s right, after 13 years next week will be my last “Workplace Savvy” column.  I plan to write a proper farewell with more details next week, but for today I thought I’d outline some of the core messages I’ve tried to share on this page over the years.  Sure, I’ve written about specific laws and policies, about the nuts and bolts of HR and the workplace, because that’s my expertise.  But I don’t consider those topics as important in the bigger picture, and I hope I’ve made a more valuable contribution through my advice on dealing with the “human” aspect of Human Resources. 

So here are some of my favorite maxims, lessons and practices for dealing with our shared humanity in the workplace. 

Always take the time to say please, and thank you to others. Even better, write them a note. I’ve seen people keep a post-it note for years because it said “Thank you!” Always recognize and acknowledge someone else’s contribution.  We all want to feel valued and appreciated.

Figure out what motivates each person in your team and act accordingly. Don’t assume it’s the same as what motivates you. For some people it is praise, for others it’s autonomy, or money, or making a difference.   If you’re not familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs towards self-actualization, study it.  All you need to know about motivation is right there.

Cultivate a reputation of being trustworthy. Being good at what you do is important but being trusted is essential.  So, keep your word, don’t promise what you can’t deliver. 

Don’t surround yourself with only people who are like you:  Strive for difference and diversity.  That goes not just for racial and gender diversity, but also for age-difference, points of view, geography and even temperaments.  This will help you check and double check your own biases and assumptions.

Never press “send” on that email or that text that you just typed while you were mad.  Trust me.  Even though you’re feeling righteous, and you think it says exactly what you feel, wait until tomorrow. Sleep on it.

Provide feedback to those you work with.  We are social creatures.  Evolutionary biology has us all wired for wanting and needing to know how we are doing.   Feedback doesn’t require a formal performance evaluation, just let others know where they stand. 

If you are not comfortable with conflict and conflict resolution, it’s best to avoid being a manager. A significant part of the role will require you to be a coach, referee, judge and sometimes executioner.  It takes emotional intelligence and fortitude.

And just for fun: 

Always attend the holiday party. 

Never get drunk at the holiday party.

That’s all for now.  Until next week!  

©Copyright Eva Del Rio.  Send questions to

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