Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Turning a “Lone Wolf” Into a Team Player

Q:  We have a 10-year employee who’s been key to the success of our company.  We’ve invested in his growth and development and in turn he’s been a top performer.  Here’s my dilemma:  he’s always worked alone in a department of one.  We are now growing and we’ll need to hire one or two staff to work under him.  I’m concerned that my key employee –who has very high standards, and is a quick study with little patience for others– will clash with whoever we hire.  Yet he can’t keep doing it alone, any suggestions?

A:  I don’t know if you realize it, but you’re describing a textbook example of the brilliant Lone Wolf.  This is an employee who is an ace. They perform a valuable –sometimes essential– role for the company, but they can be difficult.  Being the brilliant Lone Wolf has its rewards.  People leave you alone. You usually get your way.  You aren’t asked to volunteer.  It’s not a bad deal, and it used to be widely acceptable.  Not so much anymore.  Workplaces now expect high performance AND collaborative skills.  Being a team member and getting along with others is now practically a minimum requirement.

In your case, it seems the lone wolf arrangement was mutually accepted and apparently mutually beneficial.  Until now.  But, because you’re growing and have no choice but to hire extra help, I see a couple of options:

  1. Change the job expectation to “require” the ability to work collaboratively.  Although it’s difficult to change the behavior of an employee who has operated this way, it IS possible.  I’ve seen it happen.  These are bright employees and they can fully understand why and how the rules may have changed.  Provide support for changing the behavior: offer training, assign a mentor, require workshops, arrange coaching. But the onus to change must rest on the employee.
  2. Place the department under a different manager.   Although potentially less desirable than the first option –because it makes the new manager responsible for everyone getting along and lets the lone wolf off the hook– it may still be preferable than simply hiring new staff and hoping for the best outcome.  That would be a recipe for grief all around.

If you go with option 1, expect this to be a challenge and prepare for slow, bumpy progress.  Be patient,  the long term results are worth it.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

Eva Del Rio is creator of HR Box™ – tools for small businesses and startups. Send questions to

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