Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

The Recognition Employees Really Crave

Employee Appreciaton

Q:  I’m a big believer in employee recognition, but I’m having a hard time convincing my managers that they should recognize employees more often. Why are they so resistant ?

A:  Employee recognition is one of those workplace conundrums.

On the one hand, everyone agrees that we all want to feel acknowledged for doing a good job, and that we like it when someone (especially the boss) recognizes our contribution.  Plus, it’s widely known, that it makes good business sense to recognize employees, because they become more engaged and productive.

Yet paradoxically, lack of employee recognition continues to be a common problem. In all the years I’ve conducted and participated in employee satisfaction surveys (as staff or management, or consultant) this is one issue I can guarantee will always come up. Employees want more of it, and managers aren’t giving it.

But with all kinds of employee-of-the-month programs, pins and plaques, what more do employees want?  Well, when you drill down, employees don’t really value recognition by committee.  They want something more personal, more immediate.     Employees prefer a genuine word of  encouragement, a timely “thank you”, a knowing “ job-well-done” from their direct manager. Isn’t ironic what they prefer takes virtually no time, or money, or group decision?

So if it’s that easy, why the resistance from managers?   Well, being able to give that type of recognition spontaneously -and consistently- requires a certain frame of mind.  You might call it an “attitude of gratitude”.  And let’s face it, this is not always the mindset of  most managers, who might in fact be thinking the opposite: “I shouldn’t have to praise everything, that’s why they get paid”  or  “we’re adults, only little kids want constant attention”.

So,   your managers may not so much need convincing.  They already know that employee recognition is good for business.   What they might need instead is help changing their mindset.  Perhaps you can include “appreciation or gratitude” as one of your company values?  Or perhaps you can promote/reward a management style that says: “never pass up a chance to say thank you”.   Lastly, are you setting a good example?  Are you giving your direct reports the recognition they need?

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

Eva Del Rio is creator of HR Box™ – tools for small businesses and startups. Send questions to

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