With graduation time upon us, many college grads will soon be starting new jobs. A frequent complaint I hear from hiring managers is that young employees now entering the workforce lack professionalism. But what exactly is professionalism and how do we help a younger workforce acquire it? In past columns, I’ve provided tips on developing some aspects of professionalism such as good business etiquette and a strong work ethic.
This week I want to cover the most fundamental aspect of professionalism, something I like to call “owning your career”. When you assume charge of your career, you can take any job situation (including an unfavorable one) and make the best of it. For example:
- If your first job lands you in a company that has no on-boarding plan, or progression map to help new hires get assimilated, then offer to create one.
- If your supervisor doesn’t communicate her expectations, or give you feedback, ask for them.
- If you’re new and left to fend for yourself, find an informal mentor who can teach you the unwritten rules, introduce yourself to others in the company. Be proactive, learn the culture.
- If you’re neglected by a busy supervisor, keep them informed nonetheless.
On the other hand, if you’re lucky to start working in a company with proper on-boarding -a company that’s well prepared to handle new hires- then take full advantage of every learning or growth opportunity that is offered to you. Be it training, meeting staff in other departments, or a chance to serve on a committee, go for it.
Of course, owning your career is not just making the best of the job you are in. It also means you must maintain and nurture your own professional network outside your current position. It means your employer must never become your only source of professional development and networking. This would be limiting. Many people forget this, then get laid off unexpectedly and find themselves cut off from everyone they know. Owning your career means your professionalism is independent of your job or your employer.
What does professionalism mean to you? Readers please send your thoughts. Read previous columns at evadelrio.com
© Copyright Eva Del Rio