Q: I’ve been reading “The Happiness Advantage” by Shawn Achor and I’m intrigued about the premise of the book: he claims research shows that feeling happy and positive actually improves our performance at work. Have you generally found that to be true? I’ve seen some very negative people become successful. Then again, if they’d been happy, they might have even greater success. What’s your experience?
A: This author is very interesting. He argues that the old formula we were taught that working hard leads to success –and success in turn leads to happiness– has a major flaw: We’re always redefining success and upping the ante, so we never get there, and are left feeling dissatisfied. He says we have it backward. The way our brains work, happiness maximizes our brain’s potential, which then fuels success.
For example, if an employee is nervous before giving an important client presentation and spends the five minutes prior stressing, imagining all the things that could go wrong, his performance will suffer. His brain will be impaired by nervousness, doubt, insecurity. Conversely if he spends those five minutes talking on the phone with someone who makes him happy instead (like his 6-year-old) he’d make a stronger presentation since the brain gets a happiness boost producing clear thinking and confidence.
Well, I’m not a researcher and can only speak from 20 years of anecdotal experience in the trenches, but I think this rings true. I’ve seen talented, capable and well-prepared employees completely blow an opportunity because they were focusing on negative possibilities. Employees who are happy and positive act sharp and self-assured. All factors being equal, the positive employee has an advantage. I’ve also found that happy, positive employees tend to thrive overall. Achor cites research supporting this: Positive employees are better at keeping their jobs, are 31% more productive, have less burnout and turnover, are perceived as more trustworthy, use fewer sick days and even make more money.
The workplace is undergoing unprecedented and stressful changes -not seen even during the industrial revolution. If happiness and positivity can provide some advantage, this research definitely deserves a closer look. More at http://bigthink.com/
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