Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Contingent Workers: How to Make them Feel Valued

Q:  Where I work, we have a hodgepodge of regular employees, independent contractors, temps and the occasional intern.  With the exception of the intern, they’ve all been here for years.  When the economy first teetered, we didn’t want to hire employees, and five years later we’re still unsure.  What we are sure about is that they’re part of our team, they care about our customers and do a good job (without benefits).  Although they obviously aren’t eligible for “employee of the month”, I wanted some ideas on how to reward non-employees, and make them feel included and valued.

A:  First, kudos to you for wanting to recognize your non-employees -usually referred to as “contingent workers”.  Aside from being the right -and nice- thing to do, it’s also a smart business practice.

Even more so than regular employees, contingent workers might have an engagement deficit.  Anything you can do to increase their engagement will also increase their satisfaction, and ultimately their performance.  So by being nice, you are also increasing productivity.

There are many things besides “employee of the month” that they will find rewarding.  Here are some ideas:

  • Keep them in the loop, and informed about company happenings and initiatives.  Include them in email distribution lists.
  • Ask for their feedback. When possible, include them in brainstorming or planning sessions.  Don’t exclude them from employee surveys, they too have valuable insight.
  • Provide feedback.  Let them see the value of their work to your organization, younger workers specially crave feedback
  • Invite to celebrations and social activities.  If the company earns an award, share the success, let them partake in celebrations.  If you’re launching a new product, include them in the hoopla. Make sure they’re welcomed at company picnics and holiday parties.
  • Include them in coaching and training, when possible. It may not cost more to allow them to attend in-house training, and they’ll feel you are investing in them.

Lastly, I couldn’t call myself an HR pro if I didn’t caution you: Make sure that those independent contractors you have working year after year, aren’t incorrectly classified as contractors, when they should in fact be employees.  This is a common and costly mistake made by many businesses.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio

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