Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Profanity at Work: a Few Rules

Q:  Last week you addressed the topic of profanity at work and said that you knew successful workplaces where profanity was acceptable. I work in such a place, and even though it’s used, the amount varies from individual to individual. I’m comfortable using it, but want to remain professional. How do I find the right balance for me?

A: You could start by looking to emulate the behavior of someone you respect -or aspire to be- in the office.

But even if you’re comfortable swearing and it’s acceptable to do so where you work, I’d still use it in moderation. A 2012 study by found that 81% of employers believe cursing makes an employee look less professional; 57% said they’re less likely to promote someone who commonly swears; 71% said that swearing shows a “lack of control”; 68% say it demonstrates a “lack of maturity”; and 54% said it made employees appear “less intelligent.” So profanity is no career booster.

If you’re going to do it, here are some cautions (Wow! I would never have predicted that I’d be writing how-to’s for profanity at work):

  • Have a reason. Use it sparingly when you need to add levity or emphasis to a story.
  • Don’t offend. Make sure whoever is present won’t be insulted, and never do so in front of customers/clients.
  • Watch the generations. Yes, millenials are more tolerant of profanity than boomers. Don’t forget that when interacting with boomer colleagues.
  • Cussing can become a habit. Instead of thinking things through and using your full vocabulary, it can be easy to slip into convenient (lazy) slang or cuss words.
  • Words have power. And swear words have more.  For instance an F-bomb, like any type of explosive, can be destructive and should be used cautiously.

Lastly, for those of you (like me) who don’t like to use or hear profanity at work, remember that each workplace culture is different and can’t be universally acceptable to everyone. So, it’s important to find a place you feel comfortable, with the correct balance for you. If you feel like you have to swear just to fit in, then you’re not in the right place.

©Copyright Eva Del Rio

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