Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Perfect Time for Yearly “Professional Hygiene”

The period between Dec. 26-30th is a perfect time to undertake what I refer to as “yearly professional hygiene”.   That’s right.  During these few days, work tends to slow down, allowing us breathing room to take stock of our work life.

As the word implies there’s cleaning and de-cluttering involved.

First, mental de-cluttering.  Grab a nice clean legal pad, make your favorite beverage and go find a place where you won’t be disturbed for an hour.  An unused conference room, some alone time in a coffee shop, or a quiet corner at home will do. No gadgets, this is just you, pen and pad and what’s on your mind.

Next, take a mental tour of the past year and make three lists:

List 1.  Five aspects of your work life that please you.  Are you working on an interesting project? Did you finally figure out how to get along with your co-worker? Are you happy with your hours or commute? Are you proud of a new practice?  In other words, record whatever is working well.

List 2.  Five aspects of your work life that make you unhappy.  This is basically the opposite of the first list.  What drains your energy? What feels like it goes against your core beliefs? What makes you miserable? What would go away if you won the lottery?  (Keep it down to five.)

List 3. Action blueprint.  Review lists 1 and 2.  Acknowledge that some of what’s good and bad in our work lives is beyond our control then, cross-out those items.  Now you should have fewer than ten items over which you can exert some control by how you act.  From those, decide what actions you’re willing to take in order to keep the good stuff happening, and to fix the things that bother you. Call this a blueprint for next year.  Even if you don’t follow it perfectly, now you at least have a plan.

Lastly, go back to your workspace and clear away physical clutter.  Keeping your blueprint in mind it will be easier to remove, discard, and donate stuff that doesn’t support your plan.  Make a clean start for 2013!

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