My guess: There will be more stimulus checks in 2021
Q: There was so much back and forth in the news around the holidays about the economic relief package that I’m confused about what finally passed and what it means
Thoughts & Opinions
Eva Del Rio
A collection of columns
and articles about HR
and the workplace
Q: There was so much back and forth in the news around the holidays about the economic relief package that I’m confused about what finally passed and what it means
Q: Any new tips on goal setting for 2021? A: This is the time of the year when I normally will write a column about setting goals for following year,
Q: What advice do you have for those trying to find a job during this pandemic? It seems like the usual advice to “network, network, network” is not very applicable
Q: Now that it looks like at least three vaccines will be approved soon, will employers be able to require it as a condition of employment? A: The short answer
Q: Before the election -although you weren’t expecting it to pass- you wrote that you supported the amendment to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2027. Now that it
I’m sitting down to write this in the afternoon of my 59th birthday, next to an open bag of potato chips and a glass of iced tea. My usual writing
This site has been updated to be a collection of columns I’ve published in The Gainesville Sun
October 2021 I wrote my last “Workplace Savvy” column. Over the last 13 years I’ve written about specific laws and policies, about the nuts and bolts of HR and the workplace, because that’s my expertise. But what I consider more important than those topics is the bigger “human” picture. I hope I’ve made a more valuable contribution through my advice on dealing with the “human” aspect of Human Resources. To read my core messages click on LESSONS on the menu.