After the election: Dealing with political tension at work
Q: I manage a large team of people with mixed political affiliations. Before the election, everyone tried to avoid talking about the race, but I could tell there was tension
Thoughts & Opinions
Eva Del Rio
A collection of columns
and articles about HR
and the workplace
Q: I manage a large team of people with mixed political affiliations. Before the election, everyone tried to avoid talking about the race, but I could tell there was tension
As I’ve often said here, the workplace is a microcosm of society. And just like we don’t know what the lasting effects of this pandemic will be on all of
Q: I read in the paper that someone is suing their employer claiming they were demoted and later forced to resign because of a video they posted on social media
You may have noticed it. You are pushing your shopping cart wearing your mask at the grocery store and you see another person doing the same; but you hardly bother
Q: I just got my sample ballot for the November 3rd election and I noticed there’s an amendment to the Florida constitution proposing an increase to the current minimum wage
Look, I know almost everyone out there dislikes the HR Department. We have a bad rap. All we have to do is watch the popular TV series “The Office”, the
This site has been updated to be a collection of columns I’ve published in The Gainesville Sun
October 2021 I wrote my last “Workplace Savvy” column. Over the last 13 years I’ve written about specific laws and policies, about the nuts and bolts of HR and the workplace, because that’s my expertise. But what I consider more important than those topics is the bigger “human” picture. I hope I’ve made a more valuable contribution through my advice on dealing with the “human” aspect of Human Resources. To read my core messages click on LESSONS on the menu.