Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Hiring Recent Grads? Here Are Some Tips

Q:  Every year, our company hires two or three kids out of college into entry-level jobs.   In recent years, about two thirds of those we’ve hired have not worked out.  The problem is not a lack of skill or knowledge; the problem is usually a lack dependability, initiative, or professionalism.    One of our frustrated managers even suggested simply not hiring employees straight out of college, but that seems a bit radical.  What do you suggest for making better hires?

A:  Actually, your frustrated manager might not be so radical. Graham Company, a Philadelphia insurance and risk-management firm has already adopted a policy of “not hiring recent grads”.  They prefer recruiting those with at least two years’ work experience because -after they have the context of another workplace- they found them to be more appreciative of what their company has to offer.

But if that’s too extreme for your taste, here are other ideas:

Create an internship program – Think of it as an extended interview.  Paid or unpaid, internships give plenty of time to gauge soft skills such as dependability and professionalism.  You’re able to see the intern’s  communication style, how they manage themselves, how they treat others, whether they have initiative or are capable of critical thinking.  Also, during an internship, there are lots of unscripted happenings when you can asses if they are poised, helpful and can step up.  Or if instead they freeze, overreact or act unprofessionally.

Improve your interviewing process – Ask better questions that focus on culture and values. For example, if you asked:  “In your opinion, which 3 traits would you use to describe an ideal employee? Or an  ideal employer,” the answer would give you an idea into what they think it’s important. And if it that doesn’t align with your company’s values, then you’ll know that it’s a poor fit.

Avoid hiring someone with zero work history.  In this instance, the type of work history is irrelevant.  What’s important is that they know how to hold a job  –arrive on time, get along with others, follow instructions, do stuff you don’t want to do, etc.  If someone graduated from college and never had a job, that says a lot.  And I think there’s a higher likelihood that  their first job with you won’t work out.

Give these a try, and you’ll have better hires.

© Copyright Eva Del Rio


Eva Del Rio is a human resources consultant, columnist and creator of HR in a Box – tools for small business and startups under 49 employees. Send questions to


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