Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

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Tips for job hunting during COVID19

Job search during COVID

Q:  What advice do you have for those trying to find a job during this pandemic? It seems like the usual advice to “network, network, network” is not very applicable in times of COVID.

A:  You’re right, in some ways, a lot about job hunting has changed during the pandemic -no live job events, after hours meet-and-greets, no mingling over drinks, and no shaking of hands.  But in other ways, a lot about job hunting hasn’t changed.  You still have to prepare, do your homework, learn about companies you are targeting and know how to manage and market yourself. 

So, let’s look at some of the things that have replaced networking in person and offer some suggestions on making the best of it:

Virtual networking.  Sure, there may not be any physical events taking place, but there is plenty happening online.  Webinars, live events over zoom and other platforms are available everywhere.  Join professional groups on FB and Linkedin to participate. Depending on your subscriptions you may have already received email offers and invitations to attend.  Don’t ignore them.

Get comfortable with the technology.  Whether they are informational interviews or networking chats, it’s important that you know your way around the technology —glitches and tech problems create a bad impression.  Practice, practice with a friend before interacting with other professionals.

Appearances matter.  Just like you would in person, make sure you are projecting a professional image.  This means taking care of details so you appear your best on camera -including learning the most flattering way to light your face and finding the right camera angle so people are not looking up your nose.  Always keep an uncluttered background.

Stay in touch.  Like other networking, virtual networking is not just about making contact one time.  Continue interacting with those you meet online, comment on their posts or news about their company.  Follow favorite companies on social media and create Google alerts for companies that interest you.

Use your down time to sharpen your skill set.  Check out free online course sites such as (Massive Open Online Courses), and (featuring courses from MIT and Harvard) both are non-profits.

Adjust your linked in profile.  LinkedIn has created a special profile icon for job-seekers.  Simply adjust your LinkedIn profile settings to the “Share with recruiters” designation to make sure recruiters can see you and are aware that you are job hunting.

Lastly, one thing that doesn’t change –but actually becomes more important- during a pandemic, is taking good care of your mental health and outlook.  Job hunting can be soul crushing on a good day in a good year.  These are difficult times to be looking for work, so be extra kind to yourself and practice the utmost self-care.

©Copyright Eva Del Rio. Send questions to

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