Thoughts & Opinions


Eva Del Rio

A collection of columns

and articles about HR

and the workplace

Goal setting opportunit after a crazy year

Goals for 2021

Q: Any new tips on goal setting for 2021?

A: This is the time of the year when I normally will write a column about setting goals for following year, with some tips on what makes an effective goal or share some new concept about goal setting.

But this isn’t a normal year. The majority of the goals most of us had set for 2020 (expand your business, travel more, spend more time with family, join a group activity) became comically irrelevant, impractical, or impossible during this COVID year, the weirdest year of our lives.

But we are all still wanting to do some sort of goal setting for next year. Now that the vaccine is here and a new administration that seems more organized, there’s new hope for returning to a normal life. But, after what we’ve experienced, we can’t simply go back to the way we were, we are all a little different now.

So, here are some things you can ask yourself as you embark in some goal setting for next year. I found them helpful.

First, what did you discover about yourself this year that was unexpected or a surprise to you? For example, did you find that you are an introvert and really comfortable in your own company, almost relieved at not having to interact with people every day? Or did you find the opposite –you never really appreciated your annoying co-workers and never thought you’d miss the daily banter, but yeah, you do. Which goals can you set that will support this newfound self awareness?

Or maybe you discovered something about your physical daily rhythm -that when you can sleep an extra hour, you are much more productive—or that eating a healthy lunch instead of fast food makes it more likely you’ll go for a jog later in the day. Or maybe, disappointingly, you discovered you become a slob when you have no one micromanaging your day. Which new habits can you create to support these newly uncovered preferences?

Second, where you able to live without something you thought you couldn’t live without? For instance live sports events. Or did you start doing something new –like zoom calls with family, out of necessity–that you thought were temporary, but now you don’t want to stop? What goals are now available that you might have never considered before?

These are just ideas. The point is to use what you’ve learned about yourself during 2020 to set goals that support and expand on your discoveries.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021!


©Copyright Eva Del Rio. Send questions to

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